Under Construction

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This website is a work-in-progress. I have no plans for what this might turn into long term, but for now it's fun to finally live my dream of having a "geocities" site! A little corner of the internet that is just me, and what I put into it, without all the baggage of social media and relentless ads. Oh and probably a lot of dumb old internet type shit. One of the first things I did was find out how to play midi files from the homepage (that's the link above if you missed it). :P

Does it look like a hot mess? PROBABLY! It's part of the charm right?! :D

What else am I supposed to do? Waste my surprisingly extensive high school HTML learnin'?!

Feel free to check back in from time to time and see what this morphs into. Apparently if you setup a neocities account you can also "follow" websites you're interested in and get notifications when changes are made. Or most likely you're someone who is already on my social medias somewhere and will be bombarded with way too many updates about this thing whether you like it or not! :D

Either way enjoy your stay and hopefully catch some old internet feels with me!

In the meantime, feel free to say hi to Squatchy:

And sign my guestbook and leave a comment here.

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